
Recently a book from a new author showed up and I decided to give it a go.

 Shadow’s Son is an assassin story staring Caim one of the most feared and deadliest knifes in the city of Othir. Othir is a city ruled by the True Faith, a corrupt and grasping religious order whose members are busy conspiring and plotting. Many other players are in town, from the former nobility to relatives of the powerful. Into this Caim suddenly lands in the midst of a power struggle between factions trying to become the new rulers on the block.

There is a ton of great action, decent characterization and a solid plot, toss in some cool magic that is lightly used and some powerful bad-assed  enemies and you have a winning combination. Granted there hasn’t been a lack of assassin based stories recently, but this one was well worth it! I’m sure looking forward towards more books from Jon Sprunk.


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