Im sure some of you have noticed that John asked my help in getting a good word out there about this book. Let me assure you that no matter how much I like a free book and ego stroke I have not colored my views on Rhone.


I just finished Rhone, a book from a new fantasy author named John A. Karr and what follows are my opinions of it. 

I found Rhone to be a very enjoyable book, that’s not to say I didn’t have any issues with it, and those I’m going to start with.

Rhone was published by a small UK based publisher Wild Wolf and if John is any indication of Wild Wolfs talent selection then I suspect they may have a stable of pretty good authors. However, the biggest issue I have is based on editing. I’m not the pickiest reader out there and I’ve read reviews by some very good reviewers who have had fits over books that I didn’t notice any errors in. With Rhone there were several cases of editing that stood out and I really hope Wolf takes a little longer on Johns next book so I don’t have to mention this again. By no means do I think you should not buy this book due to the issues, just be aware of them and not think your too crazy when some things show up.

The main character is of course Rhone, a human/demon cross bred. The story revolves around a Demi-Gods desire to cast down his betters and rule the Heavens and Mars for his own amusement. To do this Rhone plays a very important part in the plan, and because of certain actions taken by the Demi-God, Rhone is pissed off enough to do what needs to be done.  Rhone is a good character, John took some time to develop him and show some depth. Rhone also is a total bad ass who grows in power slowly through his trials and tribulations.

The world building is pretty standard, even though it is Mars, for the most part one can consider it just a fancified earth. The author doesn’t try to toss too many crazy ideas at the reader, just enough so you know that you sure aren’t in Kansas anymore. One complaint I have was the mention of a 6 legged deer. It felt like a new author trying to toss something out there that somebody could sort of relate to. As a reader I didn’t need to hear about a 6 legged deer, just call it a deer or make up a name and describe it a little so the reader knows what it “is”.

Magic tends to play an import, yet fairly small role. With any story that has Gods and Demons running amok there has to be some, but for the most part it doesn’t try to take over the story.  At times, and towards the end there is a bit more, but again, it isn’t overwhelming.

So far for the books I’ve read in the last 6 months I have to put Rhone near the top, and unless something changes John A. Karr will be on my Top 10 list for the end of the year. If it wasn’t for the editing I feel John could be easily in the top 5.

I haven’t been this into a new author since I picked up The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie. I really feel that if you like the Abercrombies and Gemmells of the world you should really give Rhone a shot.
4/24/2010 04:02:06 am

Thanks for the honest review, Josh, as well as your other ideas.

The good words are great, and the criticisms valid. I bear my share of the editing burden on Rhone. Yes, Wild Wolf is a small press and limited on the editing front, but they did improve upon what I first submitted to them. I could have postponed the book longer and met with reader groups or even paid for an editor, but did not do so.

Rhone had already languished a year and a half after 'finished' it, while waiting for two big name publishers to reject it. Yes, they took that long. Standard for them on unknowns like me.

I felt it was time to strike with Rhone.

I did go through Rhone so many times my eyes began to bleed. The two readers I had didn't pick up as much as I thought they would, or they ignored them.

Maybe you could be an advance manuscript reader on Rhone II ?

Not like you have other stuff to do ;^)

Josh @ W&D
4/24/2010 04:24:30 am

Sure John, I would love to get my hands on the next book!

I've seen worse editing jobs and I have to admit that it didnt bother me too much, I just know that the book could have been even better than it is. As it stands it was a ton of fun and should stay on my favorites list for some time to come.

I am very happy that you took the time to contact me and ask my opinion on the book.


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