Hi folks.

Normally I wouldn't be posting something to encurage you buying a book from another source, but in this case I feel the cause is well worthwhile.

From now till May 21st a portion of all sales of SPECULATIVE HORIZONS published by Subterranean Press goes to help fight breast cancer.

Here's what the Subterranean Press had to say about the anthology:

Speculative Horizons is the newest in our series of short anthologies, helmed this time by Patrick St-Denis, best known for running Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, the place to go for fantasy news, contests, excerpts, and interviews.

Pat’s gathered an eclectic mix of contributors, including L. E. Modesitt, Jr. (with a new Recluce short story), C. S. Friedman, Tobias S. Buckell, Brian Ruckley, and Hal Duncan, who has written a story so wrenching it’ll rip out your heart and come back for your lungs.

If that’s not incentive enough to preorder a copy, until the end of day, May 21, 2010, we’ll be donating 10% of the price of each copy sold direct through SubPress to the American Cancer Society

Head over to Pats Fantasy Hotlist or Subterranean's site for more info. Pats link is on the right, under the "links of interest" portion.